52 Saturdays – I Drink and I Know Things

#2 – “They say I’m half a man (I’d give myself 3/4). But what does that make the lot of you? There’s another way out (of the cubical); I’m going to show you (just pack up and leave). Come out behind them and f— them in their asses (well…). Don’t fight for your king, and don’t fight for his kingdoms. Don’t fight for honor, don’t fight for glory (but what if you’re an attention whore? asking for a friend). Don’t fight for riches, because you won’t get any. This is your city Stannis means to sack. That’s you’re gate he’s ramming — and if he gets in, it will be your houses he burns, your gold he steels, your women he will rape (jokes on you, Stannis. I don’t have a house or gold or women). Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let’s go kill them.”

— Tyrion Lannister

— Ryan Dunn

— Michael Scott

Saturday #2 – “I Drink and I Know Things”

(Minus the whole “knowing things” part)

A weekend trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia, more commonly known as King’s Landing from Game of Thrones, left me making a lot of references no one understood and exploring back alleys desperately hoping to find Sansa Stark. There’s a reason they put this place in a TV show, because it actually looks like it was created in someone’s brain and dropped into the side of a hill.

Speaking of dropping things into the side of a hill, how are more people not just building bars into the side of cliffs? We must have engineers smart enough to figure out how to do that. Buza Bar did not disappoint. I mean, c’mon…

You basically spend half an hour walking through tiny back alleys thinking you’re going to get taken by the Faceless Man and then, poof! Bar built into a fortress.


  • The wall walk (I spent more time than I would like to admit shooting imaginary arrows into the water pretending I was defending my kingdom)
  • Marble floors inside the city. I didn’t wear shoes for 48 hours straight. And unlike last week, this was not because I lost them, but by conscious choice.
  • Cliffside beers. Curious what the Boston cliffside real estate market is like these days.


  • Learned the hard way I am NOT a club guy. I am just not nearly responsible enough to handle bottle service (especially when the bottle is the size of my torso and requires a mechanism to pour)
  • Too many damn umbrellas blocking my perfect seaside view…
  • Still no Bud Lights… the search continues.